Event Detail


Online workshop on CRCF carbon storage certification of buildings, 24 September 2024

The European Commission, under the framework of the Carbon Removal and Carbon Farming (CRCF) Regulation, is working towards establishing an EU voluntary framework for certifying carbon removals. This includes carbon farming, carbon storage in products, and carbon storage in buildings. Supported by an Expert Group on carbon removals, the Commission is working on developing tailored certification methodologies to ensure these activities are effectively quantified and meet sustainability criteria.

This interactive online workshop will focus on the development of a certification methodology for carbon storage in buildings. Discussions will center around the quantification and sustainability criteria. These insights will feed into the ongoing work on the development of an EU methodology for carbon storage in buildings.

Agenda and registration link available at https://climate.ec.europa.eu/news-your-voice/events/crcf-online-workshop-carbon-storage-certification-buildings-2024-09-24_en