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Joint Statement calling for an ambitious FP10

110 organisations, including FIEC and led by EARTO (European Association of Research & Technology Organisations), have co-signed a Joint Statement calling for an ambitious European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10).

The text aims at urging the EU institutions to significantly increase the current RD&I (research, development and innovation) budget in view of the launch of the FP10 and making pan-European excellent cross-border collaborative RD&I the cornerstone of this funding programme.

The signatories (European associations representing the key European RD&I stakeholders) are ready to further discuss the design of FP10 with the EU decision-and-policy makers, and are fully convinced that Europe has much better potential in the global innovation race than what it is currently performing. To remain a model of economic and social prosperity, Europe needs to strongly invest in pan-European collaborative RD&I fostering collaboration, driving technology maturation and innovation, and leveraging the expertise of RD&I public and private actors to strengthen its competitiveness and assert its leadership in key technological domains, as well as pave the way for a prosperous and sustainable future.

Download the released full Joint Statement from FIEC website.