An INClUsive toolBox for accElerating and smartening deep renovation
Start date: 01.07.2022
Duration: 48 months
Coordinator: CERTH (Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis)
Budget: 10 M€
InCUBE brings together 23 high-profile partners and two affiliated entities from 7 European countries, envisioning to unlock the EU renovation wave through cutting-edge standardized, lean integrated processes based on 4 key pillars of innovation (more information here).
The InCUBE Suite, integrates digital tools across all 4 pillars, enables for seamless coordination of different renovation phases while leveraging data streaming from multiple interoperable sources to accommodate tenants’ comfort and render buildings active energy nodes in the synergetic energy networks paradigm of the future. Solutions will be validated in 3 large-scale demo sites in 3 countries: Zaragoza (Spain), Trento (Italy) and Groningen (Netherlands), including a cultural heritage building.
List of achievements
Key expected outcomes include among others: Reduction of waste streams and time needed on-site by >35%, renovation cost reduction by >30%, reduction of working time with hazardous activities by >50%, energy savings >6GWh/y (78%), GHG reductions >1,980 tCO2eq/y, achieving an energy performance gap between as-built and as-designed <20%, and creation of 2 RECs encompassing >2,000 users; all while accounting for social inclusion, upskilling and enhancement of women’s role in the construction industry.
Access the project results here.
Contact person: Dimos Ioannidis
Address: CERTH (Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis)
email: djoannid@iti.gr