Start date: 01.01.2022
Duration: 48 months
Coordinator: NTNU
Budget: 20 M€
The overall aim of the EU-funded ARV project is to demonstrate and validate attractive, resilient, and affordable solutions that significantly speed-up deep energy renovations and deployment of energy and climate measures in the construction and energy industries. The project is working towards the implementation of climate-positive circular communities in Europe, focusing on net zero-emission buildings and neighbourhoods. ARV will provide guidelines and a policy framework for future energy-efficient, circular, and digital solutions in the construction industry.
The project will conduct six large-scale demonstration projects of climate positive circular communities in six European cities, showcasing a range of innovations related to the whole value chain of the industry.
List of achievements
Articles, public reports, and newsletters available here.
Contact person: Inger Andresen
Address: NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology
email: inger.andresen@ntnu.no