Start date: 01.10.2020
Duration: 30 months
Coordinator: ECTP AISBL
Budget: 1.49 M€
The building sector is one of the key enablers to achieve low carbon economy goals for 2050. To deliver this potential, buildings need to transform from passive isolated elements to smart buildings, able to adapt to occupants needs and act as active nodes well integrated to the energy grids and other infrastructures. The 2018 revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) promotes the use of ICT and smart technology in buildings to streamline the existing rules. Smart technologies indeed play an essential role and can also trigger new business opportunities.
However the market uptake and wide-scale roll-out of these solutions is slow due to challenges like engaging building occupants, connecting and managing various devices and systems, achieving optimal building operation, integrating buildings to energy markets, as well as the high fragmentation of the ecosystem. These challenges are common to projects related to the smart building topic and would be most efficiently addressed by breaking silos, sharing information and bridging the gaps between innovation, markets and policy.
SmartBuilt4EU will consolidate the Smart Building Innovation Community with, at its core, EU-funded projects, and provide it with a package of supporting activities with two objectives:
- facilitate the exchange of information between EU-funded projects and national initiatives in the field of smart buildings and the related business, policy and media;
- coordinate contributions of the Smart Buildings Innovation Community to the SRI promotion, experimentation and implementation and the identification of R&I priorities to accelerate the roll out of smart building innovation, in line with the EPBD.
The CSA brings together 5 partners (ECTP as coordinator, DOWEL, EURAC, R2M Solution and VITO) plus 5 linked third parties (ASM, Cardiff University, LIST, TNO and VTT), with solid complementary expertise and geographical coverage. It is structured in 6 work packages to reach the targeted impacts and unlock the smart building potential, with the Smart Readiness Indicator as key instrument.
List of achievements
The project publications are available here.
SmartBuilt4EU White papers
- End user acceptance and attractiveness
- Occupant-centric building for enhanced quality of life
- Interoperability
- Optimised building costs
- Providing flexibility to power grids
- Smart building integration into multiple networks
- Smart financing & business models
- Data governance
Contact person: Alain Zarli / ECTP Secretary General
email: secretariat@ectp.org